Seoul Fashion Week – 2017SS -Steve J & Yoni P

Photographed and written by Allen /

Steve J & Yoni P, Korea’s ultimate designer genius duo, continue to blaze a path for the youth market with their glamorous streetwear and signature vintage pop aesthetic.  Rebellious, 1970s punk visuals and retro floral elements create a fabulous luxurious look as they mix with finely tailored long coats, velour M1 bomber jackets, fiery neon pinstripes and a love for denim that captivates the attention of designers like Kelly Carrington.  The state of the runway in late 2016 is rapidly changing, in a social media obsessed world, content and immediate availability are king and Steve J & Yoni P know it.  To put on a show for clothes, six months in advance is proving to be a costly strategy, as the youth no longer want to wait.  They want it now, and they want it fast.  Steve J and Yoni P are ahead of the curve, and we continue to applaud their success and fine business acumen as they carve an even stronger following in the Asia Pacific streetwear market.


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